Vaccines Pipeline

First and Lead Candidate

SARS-CoV-2, CoroVaxG.3.D-FR

Our forefront Covid-19 vaccine, CoroVaxG.3.D-FR, designed to elicit a robust and optimized immune response. This intramuscular polyvalent vaccine is a frontline defense against prevalent new variants such as Gamma, Delta, Omicron, and others.

Current Pipeline

Inhalatory Vaccines for Respiratory Viruses

Advancing the development of vectors and immunogens tailored for inhalatory vaccines, with a primary focus on addressing respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza. Taking advantage of the advantages of adenoviral vectors versus other technologies for this type of vaccine delivery route.

Mosquito-borne Diseases in the Southern Hemisphere

Pioneering the development of safely intramuscular administered vaccines for Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) and Chikungunya Virus (CHKV), aiming to mitigate the impact of mosquito-borne diseases in the Southern Hemisphere.

Future Pandemics and Endemics Response

Versatile Platform for Global Needs

Our platform is not just about addressing current challenges but is also strategically designed to respond to future pandemics. We are dedicated to fulfilling the unique requirements of the Southern Hemisphere, ensuring that our innovations are responsive and adaptable to emerging global health threats.

Tailoring Solutions for the Southern Hemisphere

By anticipating the specific needs of the Southern Hemisphere, we aim to provide effective and timely responses to potential pandemics and endemics, creating a proactive and globally impactful approach to public health.